Perry Smalts
Before Perry and Laura formed Eden’s Redemption, inc., Perry Smalts had been a bi-vocational Music Minister and Associate Pastor in Oklahoma City, OK. He had been on the staff of a church full-time or part-time for thirty-six years.
He has a Master’s degree in music education and has taught music classes and private lessons at various schools across Oklahoma. He has also taught a weekly Bible study in a home fellowship for several years. Although having never struggled with LGBTQ desires himself, the Lord brought him a wife who had a very broken sexual past and had lived as transgender for nearly nine years. After meeting and marrying his wife, Laura, he shares their story of God’s redeeming love and their new identity in Christ across various media platforms.

Laura Perry Smalts
If the name confuses you, Laura’s maiden name is the same as her husband’s first name! God loves to make us laugh. Laura Perry Smalts is an author and speaker who shares her story of how Jesus Christ rescued her from a transgender identity. She also speaks and teaches on a variety of topics related to transgenderism and God’s design of human beings as male and female. She has had the privilege to tell her story on a variety of platforms including radio, video, TV, and more including the documentary In His Image, and to teach at conferences, schools, and churches. Her story is available in her autobiography, Transgender to Transformed.